Table of Contents

Chapter sections with the ($) icon are behind a paywall 

I.  Intro
II.  Make

A.  The Case for College

1.  Benefits
2.  The Price of College
3.  Calculating Return on Investment

B.  The Case for College Alternatives

1.  Benefits
2.  Blue & New Collar Jobs
3.  Apprenticeships ($)

C.  Defining your Strengths

1.  Interests & Skills
2.  Values & Personality ($)
3.  Passion Over Profit ($)

D.  Finding Employment

1.  Employment Prerequisites
2.  Where to Find Jobs
3.  Leveraging Your Network ($)

E.  Defining a Good Job

1.  Compensation & Culture
2.  Questions to Ask ($)
3.  Jobs to Avoid ($)

F.  The Case for Entrepreneurship

1.  Side Hustles & Freelancing
2.  How to Start a Business ($)

III.  Spend

A.  Budgeting Fundamentals

1.  How to Budget
2.  Budgeting in Practice
3.  Opportunities to Automate ($)

B.  Banking Fundamentals

1.  How to Choose a Bank
2.  Opening an Account ($)
3.  Withdrawals & Transfers ($)

C.  Spending on Credit

1.  Advantages & Risks
2.  Choosing a Credit Provider
3.  Managing Debt ($)

D.  Managing Spending

1.  Saving Strategies
2.  Saving in Practice ($)
3.  Lifestyle Inflation ($)
4.  Insurance & Warranties ($)

E.  Milestone Expenses

1.  Emergency Savings Fund
2.  Financing a Car
3.  Financing a Home ($)
4.  Saving for Retirement ($)

F.  Spending on Taxes

1.  Types of Taxes
2.  How to Pay Income Taxes
3.  Reducing Tax Liability ($)

IV.  Grow

A.  Financial Goal Setting

1.  SMART Goals
2.  Building a Financial Resource Team ($)

B.  Investing Fundamentals

1.  Investment Objectives
2.  Addressing Risk
3.  Investment Products ($)
4.  Opening a Brokerage Account ($)

C.  The Case for Passive Income ($)

1.  Benefits ($)
2.  Strategies ($)

D.  Measuring Financial Growth

1.  Quantitative Measures
2.  Qualitative Measures ($)

E.  Growth for Self

1.  Physical Health
2.  Mental Health
3.  Personal Development ($)

F.  Growth for Loved Ones

1.  Spending with Loved Ones
2.  Saving for Loved Ones
3.  Investing for Loved Ones ($)

G.  Growth for Society

1.  Spending with Your Values
2.  Investing with Your Values
3.  Donating with Your Values

V.  Conclusion

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The material provided on this Website should be used for informational purposes only and in no way should be relied upon for financial advice. Also, note that such material is not updated regularly and some of the information may not, therefore, be current. Please be sure to consult your own financial advisor when making decisions regarding your financial management.
Matthew 6:25-34