Most high school lessons are not designed for real-world use. The purpose of your high school education is to prepare you for success after graduation, presumably by continuing to learn at a college or university.
However, many students never graduate high school and, for those who do, additional education may not be attainable or even desirable. If you plan on attending college, have you stopped to consider why?
The answer, for most people, is money. Historical evidence suggests that income typically increases with educational experience. However, furthering your formal education is not an opportunity afforded to everyone, nor does it guarantee a more prosperous or fulfilling life.
Regardless of your educational journey, there are universal decisions regarding employment, spending, and investments that you will face as you grow older. The purpose of this book is to contextualize these decisions and provide the tools and resources needed to address them confidently.
This book was written for students who didn’t learn personal finance in high school. It’s almost like they don’t believe they can…
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