

Not everyone is taught personal finance skills, but everyone needs them. If you don’t learn these lessons in school, you’re forced to learn elsewhere, often through trial and error. Doing so is expensive. 

  • Deciding to pursue a college degree you can’t comfortably repay could leave you saddled with debt 
  • Choosing a career misaligned with your strengths can stifle growth and lead to burnout
  • Misusing credit or investing poorly makes it harder to reach your financial goals 

Bad financial decisions made at an early age can be recovered and learned from. But, the benefits of making good decisions at a young age compound. Therefore, it pays to start early.

  • Choosing a career aligned with your strengths gives you more flexibility to focus on your market value and find an organization worth working for
  • Having a budget facilitates saving and mitigates the risk of overspending
  • Making informed investments at a young age gives you more time to realize returns


The earlier you learn how to make, spend, and grow your money, the sooner you can establish healthy, sustainable habits to reach your financial goals. Over time, these habits form the basis of financial peace — the knowledge you’re doing the best you can given your present financial situation. 

Financial peace comes from knowing you have more than one way to earn an income. In knowing you’re pursuing a career aligned with your strengths, and peace when negotiating pay because you know what you deserve.

Peace from spending money on the things you want, knowing you’ve already budgeted for bills and savings. From knowing how to save for the expenses that matter most to you, and from feeling prepared during tax season. 

Peace in your ability to grow your money through investments. In knowing how to invest in yourself and help a loved one should they need it. In finding thankfulness for the money you have, and peace in giving a portion to others. 


Ultimately, financial peace is the recognition that money will enter and leave your life unexpectedly, and your relationship with money is never entirely within your control. Although this relationship is ever-changing, you can act confidently knowing how to prepare and when to seek help.  Investing in this knowledge promises lifelong dividends for your financial well-being.

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The material provided on this Website should be used for informational purposes only and in no way should be relied upon for financial advice. Also, note that such material is not updated regularly and some of the information may not, therefore, be current. Please be sure to consult your own financial advisor when making decisions regarding your financial management.
Matthew 6:25-34